5362 Candleberry Drive

Sales Price

$ 388,890

Your actual rate, payment, and costs could be higher. Get an Official Loan Estimate before choosing a loan.

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Sales Price
Est Total Loan Payoff
Seller Paid Closing Costs
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5362 Candleberry Drive

Sales Price

$ 388,890

Your actual rate, payment, and costs could be higher. Get an Official Loan Estimate before choosing a loan.

mortgage pay off & sale costs

payable to you

$ 344,003

$ 156,887

Anticipated Total Mortgage Payoff


Commission To Agent(s) On Successful Sale


Seller Paid Closing Costs Contribution


Property Tax Proration


Seller Paid at Closing Table

misc. additional costs


Pre-Paid Pro-rated HOA Dues Paid Back to You by Buyer

The portion of monthly $400 HOA dues to be paid back for period after August 23rd


Total Cash Payable to You:

$ 156,887

Post-closing Cash Flow:

4-5 Weeks After Closing you'll receive all funds from your existing mortgage escrow account via a check in the mail.